Friday, October 26, 2007
news - weeeek pv finally out..!!! yokkataa..!!!!
Yatta…!!! News – weeeek pv finally out..
What should I say about this pv?? Its too great to say in word..!!!
The first thing I think when I see this pv, I look at the background.. their own poster..
Russ- k poster….
And the second thing,
Yamapi motto kawai….!!!! He is so handsome in this pv..
He always success to make me fall in love with him again and again..^^ greater and greater..
The third thing..
There is a scene.. that yamapi use tow cups that written 山P at the bottom..
it just like he did in hoshi o mezashite pv before.. i just wonder why pi~ doing it again?? I’m just thinking will he doing it again at the next news pv?? Let’s see later
The forth thing
tecchin blonde hair also looks good with him.. I just think this is the best hair ever..
and there is a scene that tecchin try to kiss massu *mochiron jyoudan dake*
but it’s look cute for me..
The best thing about this pv.. they looks close each other.. tanoshii mitai ne~
They make happy just by seeing them.. minna wa kawaiiiii
love this song so much…dakkara I ripped the mp3 from the pv
and this is news – weeeek mp3 .. enjoy ^^
here the download link :
download here
Label: download link, news, pv
Thursday, October 25, 2007
yamapi as meiji's magazine cover..
maybe it's to late to post it here.. but i just found it a few time ago..
and i just a little bit shock about it..
yamapi as meiji university cover??
i wonder what does meiji think about...
and its no look like a usuall school magizine..
it's a close up foto like just like a commercial magazine
well.. and the photo inside.. yamapi looks like a normal college student *so cuteeeee*
but still it's not like a normal school magazine..
and you know what i am thinking now...
i just wonder is this magazine is free.. school magazine usually free deshou???
ijust cannot hold myself to scream and just want to get that magz..
pi is so cuteee heee *meltingggg*
picture credit to :
thx 4 amazing picture ^^
Monday, October 15, 2007
17 sai... sayonaraaaaa!!!!!
Yupp… gw masih inget.. hari ini tepat setaon yg lalu.. gw nulis blog juga..waktu itu blog gw masih di frenster.. dang w mash inget bgt gw nulis ttg what is special being 17??../
Dan sekarang gw nulis lagi..
Mungkin tulisan gw sekarang adalah jawaban dari tulisan gw dulu..
What is so special being 17??
Jawaban ya.. nothing special..
17 ya 17 kayaknya gak jauh beda deh… ama gw yg berumur 16 ato gw yg berumur 15..
Toh itu Cuma angka yg ngewakil udh berapa lama gw ada di dunia…
Tapi ko kayaknya nyeseeeekkkk bgt deh ninggalin angka 17..
Sebenernya dengan angka 7 berubah jadi 8 itu bisa berarti
Kalo jarak gw AMA PI~ SEMAKIN MEDEKAT alias sekarang beda umur gw ama pi jd 4 tahun..
Tapi beda umur gw ama YAM2 semakin MENJAUH sekarang beda umur gw ama yam2 jadi beda 4 tahun jugaaa…
Kalo dipikir2 umur gw sekarang bagus juga ya?? Jadi gw sekarang bener2 di tengah2 pi ma yam2..
xixixixi….. kurang jodoh apa gw ma mereka berdua??
At all…
Walopun ini pertamakalinya setelah gw ngerti ama yg namanya ultah..
Gw gak ngelakuin ritual yg gw lakuin setiap taon..
Yaitu ngerayain ultah gw ndiri pas jam 12 malem..
Biasanya kan gw selalu matain lampu,nyalain lilin terus ngucapin hepi birthday to me..
Tapi berhubung rumah gw di renov.. gw jadi sekamar ama kaka gw.. dan otomatis gw jadi gak bisa ngelakuin tuh ritual T.T
So jadi ini pertama kalinya gw ngelewatin pergantian angka yg menunjukan udah berapa lama gw ngisep oksigen dari bumi ini dengan tidur pules…
Alias gw sendiri aja ketiduran hehehe >.<
At last…
Kapan ya gw denger pi~ ngucapin itu???
Taon depan?? 2 taon lagi??? Apa 10 taon lagi???
Yg jelas… poko nya sebelon gw berhenti nambahin angka yg nunjukin berapa lama gw ngerasain jiwa gw ada di badang gw…
Gw udah harus denger tuh kata2 dari pi~..
At last Good bye 17..
Welcome 18…
kotoshi pi~ no au dekiru ka na???
Label: atashi no nikki